Finding the right massage therapist is hard, especially when you’re looking for a holistic approach.

Most therapists are trained in only one or two modalities like Swedish or Shiatsu. This leaves gaps in care. More training and experience facilitates a richer path for wellness.

Namaste Holistic Wellness & Massage offers custom massages with an integrated holistic approach to healing and relaxation. Our certified massage therapists have been trained in multiple modalities including deep tissue, hot stone therapy, sports therapy and more, so we can tailor each session to meet your unique needs. We use organic essential oils which help restore balance to the mind and body by releasing negative emotions such as stress or anxiety while also improving blood flow throughout your entire system so you feel rejuvenated after every visit! Whether you want a relaxing full-body massage or relief from pain caused by muscle tension our experienced team will create a custom treatment plan just for you.